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Sacramento Children's Home - Need Help? Call The Source

Sacramento Children's Home - Need Help? Call The Source
We're definitely like The Avengers here. I definitely think it's a team effort. The source is vital to the community because mental health is such a huge problem right now and I think we're just right on time to be meeting that need for the community in Sac County. The one thing that makes the urgent response therapist role important is our clinical background. We're coming into our role with a little bit more of an understanding of some of the issues our clients are facing. The Urgent Response Therapist superpower is our clinical background. We're 24/7 and we get calls at any time. Sometimes it's just resources and that can be a very quick phone call. But often we get calls where they do want an in-person service and those are my favorite. It's definitely like an adrenaline rush. My body is actually preparing itself to meet the challenge and rise to the occasion and to do the best work and give the best care that I can. Once they call in. We do the confidentiality speech. We let them know, we offer. And then really, at that point, it's just kind of taking the backseat and really listening, giving the caregiver or community youth time to explain what's going on with them at that moment. We provide emotional support and then we like to offer suggestions whether it's the number for WEAVE or the number for a homeless shelter or food voucher. And so my role might be to work with the youth and a coworker of mine might work with, you know, the caregivers in the family. And so we usually try to split up a little bit, assess what's going on, and then at the end of it, bring everyone together and kind of come up with the plan to move forward. I'm an urgent response coordinator. We provide de-escalation as well as crisis support. We can also like help coordinate whatever care that they need. So that's setting up future dates and follow ups for the youth so we can check in or helping them through the process of getting services. There hasn't been a program like this since we started and people have had no place to go to get the resources or even to find out if there's other help out there. So I think we give them that hope that, oh, I'm not alone. There's other things out there that can help me to help me and my family. It's incredibly amazing to work with such passionate, talented individuals, people who really show up and like, give it their all every day when they're on shift on this hotline. Or if you're in a crisis, you can pick up the phone, give us a call, give us a text, and somebody is right there ready to support you.
Sacramento Children's Home - Need Help? Call The Source
Meeting the mental health needs of youth and caregivers in Sacramento County, The Source responds 24/7 via call or text and will also meet in-person if necessary.

Meeting the mental health needs of youth and caregivers in Sacramento County, The Source responds 24/7 via call or text and will also meet in-person if necessary.
