Everything you can stream free on Very Local Sacramento powered by KCRA 3
Looking for a free streaming TV service to watch your local news, weather and more? Very Local is a Hearst media-affiliated streaming app where you can watch KCRA 3 news & weather and discover original series and specials that explore where to find the best Sacramento restaurants, things to do in Sacramento, true crime documentaries and more.
Stream KCRA Sacramento news and weather free
Do you want to stream Sacramento news and weather forecasts on your own time? With the Very Local app powered by KCRA 3, you can easily stream local stories and breaking news coverage on demand.
Is severe weather heading to your area? Stay ahead of the storm and get started on your weekend plans with daily Sacramento weather forecasts on your smart TV, tablet or smartphone. Stay informed with app alerts and live coverage as the storm approaches.
Exclusive Very Local Sacramento original series and specials
Beyond local news and weather, the Very Local app also features exclusive original series and specials that shine a spotlight on everything that makes the textile center of the south so unique.
In every episode of “Maddy & Dixie Take Sactown,” watch as social media influencers Maddy and Dixie explore the heart and soul of the city through incredible activities, amazing eats, and the locals who make Sactown so special.
Enjoy the heat and excitement of cooking competitions? Very Local’s original series, “Plate It, Sacramento!,” hosted by Katerina Bobak, is a fun celebration of Sacramento chefs who are infusing the spirit of the city into their culinary creations. Can they craft a three-course meal in less than an hour?
Love taking weekend trips near Sacramento? “Eat Play Stay Sacramento” transports you to fabulous weekend getaway destinations and showcases the best eateries to visit, activities to discover and the most comfortable places to rest your head.
You can also stream series from communities like yours that cover everything from true crime stories, adventure, and travel. Check out our award-winning series “Hometown Tragedy” for chilling murder mysteries, or watch “Crimes, Cons and Capers” for epic crime fails.
Watch the Very Local app on your favorite smart device
Download the Very Local app to your Amazon Fire TV, Roku, Samsung, and Vizio to watch from home. The free Very Local app is also available for download on iOS and Android devices for viewing on the go.
Follow Very Local on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube for more.