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RETRO FIND: Santa’s reindeer might not be who you think they are

Could there be more to Santa’s sleigh team than we’ve always believed?

RETRO FIND: Santa’s reindeer might not be who you think they are

Could there be more to Santa’s sleigh team than we’ve always believed?

Of the red nosed reindeer. We all know the sag of Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. And we all know there were social issues. There may be gender issues as well. Remember you used to laugh at him, him, him, you sure, I don't know what he says. And what did your mom say about? Everybody reacting to *** tip. We visit the San Diego Zoo, Tony Espera is providing their small herd *** snack. These are our reindeer girls, girls, girls, they have antlers, they're antlers. Yes. So the guys have antlers, not the girls. No reindeer. Both boys and girls have antlers. As it turns out. Reindeer are the only deer species where both male and female have antlers. Ok. So far the world is still right side up. Male and female reindeer lose their antlers every year. But at different times because during Christmas males don't have the antlers, girls will keep their antlers during this whole time. So following the universe's pattern of logic, Rudolph is *** girl. I'm sorry there. The truth is not just out there but up there. Thus, we can only come to one conclusion, *** conclusion. Unsettling to some, I'm permanently scarred for life? Thank you very much. Is it possible that since the song came out in 1949 the world's males have been getting credit for *** remarkable task. Only *** female fat man in red velvet around the world and not get lost with names like dancer and Vixen. We can only conclude that not just Rudolph is *** female, everybody else behind her. It's all *** group of girls getting together and we all know that when girls get together, we get things done. So now we stand and sing. Corrected the other reindeer. You call her names. Leonard Vieri 10 News.
RETRO FIND: Santa’s reindeer might not be who you think they are

Could there be more to Santa’s sleigh team than we’ve always believed?

For generations, many have pictured Santa’s reindeer as antlered bucks guiding his sleigh through the Christmas Eve sky. But archival evidence suggests we may have it all wrong.A report from 2003 found that male reindeer have already shed their antlers by December. Female reindeer keep theirs through the season. This means the iconic antlered team pulling Santa’s sleigh may actually be made up of female reindeer.Could this be one of the longest-running Christmas myths? Watch the story to uncover the truth about Santa’s reindeer. If you liked this story, here are a few more blasts from the past:

For generations, many have pictured Santa’s reindeer as antlered bucks guiding his sleigh through the Christmas Eve sky. But archival evidence suggests we may have it all wrong.

A report from 2003 found that male reindeer have already shed their antlers by December. Female reindeer keep theirs through the season.


This means the iconic antlered team pulling Santa’s sleigh may actually be made up of female reindeer.

Could this be one of the longest-running Christmas myths? Watch the story to uncover the truth about Santa’s reindeer.

If you liked this story, here are a few more blasts from the past: